“Guerrillas” – Nikitas Bacharas, Solo Painting Exhibition.

I search for the thread of common speech, that denounces every act for the decision that puts an end to the inevitable destiny that passes from scripts to action and the unexpected. The unexpected of consistency in history is so pronounced and so incomprehensible at the same time. Remaining unfaithful, bearing the burden of others’ faith. Now that the time has come for the decision to be made, we look at each other sometimes with sorrow and sometimes with hatred, fear, anger and despair. And all of us, soldiers in inertia, filled with the sense of inevitability […] How will I extirpate them from their place and how will they react? I need more people, hoping that they will themselves confess their infidelity. You with the bullets!!! Where is your book? I know that you have one, but you hid it somewhere so that you will not be betrayed like Jesus, […]

Solo exhibition, “Guerrillas,
Nikitas Bacharas.
Curator, Eugenia I. Manolioudaki.
M art Aegina


September 5 – September 23, 2012.