“Dreaming situations” – Nikolaos Asproulis, Marianna Katsoulidi, Marina Konstantaki, Group Exhibition.

The one that dreams is overwhelmed by images and symbols through which unconscious reactions or impulses that often cannot “emerge” on the surface of “reality” in any other situation, find their way to express themselves. The outward image of art suggests the mystery of truth, which can not be approached otherwise rather than by this ostensible state. Through this exhibition the truth of reality and the fluidity of dreams meet in a mysterious, enigmatic world. Full of questions, secrets and fragments of experiences that look familiar but unprecedented at the same time, create the feeling that we look “through the window of a dream”. The “view” revealed to us makes it clear that reality is the possibility of a dream and that the dream is reality.

Group exhibition,
“Dreaming situations”,
Nikolaos Asproulis,
Marianna Katsoulidi,
Marina Konstantaki.
Eugenia I. Manolioudaki.
M art Space


 May 04 – June 05, 2009