“For a Random Cause” – Christos Christou, Solo Painting Exhibition.

When observing the work of Christos Christou as a whole, one can see the dominant tendency of abstraction, which over time is intensifying, initially with the exemption of shapes and representations and eventually of colors. His portraits, which never represent the real world, are transformed or simplified into abstract shapes and lines. Colors follow a similar course of abstraction, often allowing white to play a dominant role.

Following the abstraction process, Christos Christou, chooses specific color combinations and shades, focuses his interest in the meaning of his works and, more specifically, in a kind of emotional meaning.

The artist aims to concentrate on colors, their combinations and their movement, he has no intention to create a realistic representation, an illustration of the world, an environment. However the feeling of the environment is the goal, the importance of his work lies on the emotional and visual experience.

The title of the exhibition “For Random Cause” refers to precisely this “deliberate” performance of emotion, which at the same time is embodied through “random”, abstract backgrounds.

Solo exhibition of paintings,
“For a Random Cause”,
Christos Christou.
Eugenia I. Manolioudaki.
M art Space


October 20 – November 19, 2011
Christos Christou
Christos Christou
Christos Christou
Christos Christou