“Meta – basis” – Giorgos Vavatsis, Evgenia Karlou, Eleni Kyrimizaki, Makis Oikonomidis, Christos Christou, Group Exhibition.

Have we come to a time when nothing is new and original? A period of transition? Will there be an abolishment of the past as it has always been in all fields? politics, society, music, art?
Is it necessary to clash with the past to create something new and innovative?

This exhibition does not necessarily seek to answer these questions, but through 5 different forms of art from 5 different artists and views, it reveals a common ground: the (recent) past of art and its re-placement in the present.

Every visual artist perceives and translates art’s past with a completely different approach. Vavatsis, through the material he uses, Carlou’s memories are weaving through her knitted installation, Kyrimizaki addresses the “modernists” in order to redefine today who is the artist and perhaps what is Art, Economidis with photographs depicting old worn objects and finally Christou’s painting, profoundly influenced by abstract expressionism.

Looking back, as a society or as individuals, we actually find remarkable things, yet perhaps we should focus on more creative ways of familiarizing with this past. Besides, pioneers always followed their past to get to the new and innovative. Isn’t this process of looking back, acceptable, if not necessary?

Manolioudakis Eugenia, Dellaportas Spyros

Group exhibition, “Meta – basis”,
Giorgos Vavatsis,
Evgenia Karlou,
Eleni Kyrimizaki,
Makis Oikonomidis,
Christos Christou.
Eugenia I. Manolioudaki.
M art Aegina


June 23 – July 152012
Meta - basis. Group exhibition
Meta - basis. Group exhibition
Meta - basis. Group exhibition
Meta - basis. Group exhibition
Meta - basis. Group exhibition
Meta - basis. Group exhibition